Congressman Tom Udall is fighting back and refusing to go negative like his rival Steve Pearce. With Congress in recess Tom Udall has been making good time in the state visiting with voters and learning what they feel about the issues. Today I started out at a house party in the south valley. What can I say but that the people in the south valley really know how to throw a party. It always feels like home when I attend a campaign event in that part of the city. The event was very well attended as are most events in the south valley. Udall’s Campaign clearly made a real effort to invite local candidates. Martin Heinrich show up and spoke to the crowd. Victor Raigoza from state senate district 10 showed for the event. Jason Marks who is running for the PRC also attended. Kari Brandenburg was also at the event. Gail K. Prosser who is seeking the nomination for Second District Court seat that is currently held by Judge Reed Sheppard wanted everyone to know that she would put the voters first. I asked why she had not considered running for one of the three appeals court positions and she told me that her heart was set on getting a district court seat. I have to admit that I would like to see the district court judges out on the campaign trail but I do understand that it is only a retention race for them and they don’t appear to feel that they have to work very hard to get reelected this year. Consider that last remark a little verbal ear pulling on my part.
The second event of the day was held in the Montgomery Park. Congressman Udall showed up shortly after I did and spoke to the crowd about local issues such as health care, veteran’s issues, the war in Iraq, and education. He spent time talking to the people one on one who attended the event. While the event in the south valley was rained out after the speeches, the rain in the heights was early and had stopped by the time the event started. Tom must have some pull with the man upstairs because both events went off well which could be considered a small miracle at this time of year in Albuquerque. Both Kari Brandenburg and Jason Marks also attended both events. Joining us at the BBQ in the park was Tim Eichenberg who is running for state senate district 15.
For more pictures check the link for my webshots. Note that the U dogs were happy to attend the second event.