Friday, October 2, 2009

Sure Way to Reduce Crime in Our City

If the candidates who are running for mayor want to actually reduce crime in our city then dealing with the homeless and the drug addicts who hang out in our city parks and on our city streets is where they should be starting first in the near future.

Homeless men sitting on park benches harassing individuals who are taking their walks to get exercise during their lunch hour are just inviting crimes. Women want to feel safe at lunch whether it is shopping on central or walking in the local parks. These women should not have to be dealing with people who don’t have a place to live or food to eat and fill their days with looking for their next victim.

The city should be working on getting these people to homeless shelters, getting them off drugs and finding them jobs. Our jails would be a lot emptier if these homeless men were treated and were forced to face their social, mental and economical problems.

My mother use to always say idle hands were the work of the devil. I don’t know if it is true but I do know that it invites crimes that could easily be prevented by getting these men off our streets and out of our city parks. Pawnshop patrols are not where the police should be working to reduce crimes because that is after the fact. Want to talk about a lack of common sense the crimes are not happening in the pawnshops.