Republicans would love to paint a picture of our party fighting with itself when it comes to the voter rolls but it is just not true. After all the Republican Party must really be concerned that a higher than normal democratic voter turnout will remove a good number of republicans from office this year. Talk about coattails that no republican candidate would want to be riding at this point in history, it is no wonder that a good number of moderate republican candidates are changing over to the Democratic Party in order to run for public office. I am sure that State Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colon, Secretary of State Mary Herrera, Lt Governor Diane Denish and Governor Bill Richardson along with all of the County Clerks in New Mexico will be working very closely together to see that our voter rolls are as flawless as possible come the June Primary.
I asked Chairman Brian Colon what he had to say about news reports as of late and this is his response:
"The DPNM and I are committed to making sure that concerns with voter lists are resolved before the June primary. I will work diligently with our Secretary of State to ensure Democrats' success in November 2008."
He also told a standing crowd today at the Bernalillo County Pre-Primary Convention that we are not looking to blame people but are working hard together to support the Secretary of State and local County Clerks in order to ensure a positive outcome for the June Primary.
With those words let us make it crystal clear that despite attempts by republicans because of their own apprehension and consternation to create a split in our party that we, The Democratic Party of New Mexico, are more united than every in history. Chairman Brian Colon is a strong leader. With him as State Party Chair and with the support of people like Ana Canales, Bernalillo County Chairwoman, the party is looking forward to New Mexico becoming one of the bluest states in the Union.
American Homeowners
We know who cares about Middle Class Americans and it is not the Republican Party. President George W. Bush was the one to point out just how many Americans were home owners and now his party is making sure that they can’t keep those homes. We need a party in office that cares more about the American people and less about big business and the richest 1% of the population. The country is facing a recession with rising prices, fewer dollars to spend and now a loss of their home equity, why on earth would anyone want another four years of the same under John McCain?
“WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked efforts to give bankruptcy courts more power to stave off home foreclosures, a move the chamber's Democratic leader called "a big mistake.’"
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ask White House Staffers to Respect “The Rule of Law”
Sorry, House Speaker Pelosi but since when has the current President of the United States every respected “The Rule of Law.” It is not surprising that he has instructed his former staffers to not only claim executive privilege but also to just not show up when subpoenaed by Congress. One has to wonder why the Justice Department is not treating this in the same manner and with the same seriousness that they would treat anyone else who did not show for a subpoena.
“WASHINGTON (CNN) – ‘Even if a subpoenaed witness intends to assert a privilege in response to questions, the witness is not at liberty to disregard the subpoena and fail to appear at the required time and place.’
‘I strongly urge you to reconsider your position and to ensure that our nation is operating under the rule of law and not at presidential whim,’ Pelosi wrote.”
Since our US attorney was removed from his position and our own U.S. Senator Pete Domenici was an active party, I think we should show an interest in this issue. As for House Speaker Pelosi pandering to the left-wing fever swans of loony liberal activities only a republican mouth piece would have the nerve to call concerned voters such names in an election year.
“WASHINGTON (CNN) – "This sort of pandering to the left-wing fever swamps of loony liberal activists does nothing to make America safer," spokesman Michael Steel said in the statement.
Miers refused to testify in the probe, which stemmed from the Justice Department's dismissals of federal prosecutors in eight cities. Bolten failed to produce documents in his possession, Pelosi's letter says.
Much more on the Bernalillo County Pre-Primary Convention will be coming tomorrow.