Friday, March 7, 2008

The Democratic Party Should Save Their Passion for the Final Battle for the White House

Senator Obama vs. Senator Clinton

The news would love to paint this as the battle that divided or even destroyed the Democratic Party and gave the White House to republican candidate John McCain. If that is the result then we are looking at another four more years of the same. We are looking at the end of hope and the end of change for the better. We as democrats must not allow our party to split at this point in history. To do so would be a disservice to our country, our families, our party and our selves. Our candidates should be working to bring our party together and not calling each other names in the news. Our Superdelegates should be looking to uphold the popular vote unless they want to make the democratic voting public feel like they have no say in who is elected president. They already know how that felt in 2000. The results of a war between our candidates and having the Superdelegates make the decision of who wins it is going to destroy our party. They should all put aside their own egos and support our party. I foresee our party doing away with Superdelegates all together if they put their egos before the welfare of the democratic voting public in this matter. We as a party should be working hard to turn the talk around to a more positive viewpoint before it is too late. We should not be treating other democrats badly if they are supporting the other candidate in this race. It is time that the Democratic Party learned to agree to disagree without taking it personally. Either save your passion for the final battle where we put a democrat in the White House or hand over the White House to the republicans for another four god forsaken years.