Thursday, March 20, 2008

Republican Party Blood Letting

The Republican Party is like a waterhole full of hungry alligators given the chance they will eat their own young and feel no remorse whatsoever for doing it. The U.S. Senate race in New Mexico maybe the thing that most divides their party this election year. It already looks like the southern part of the state is starting their first course of baby alligator. Congresswoman Heather Wilson while disliked by democrats because of the way she swings back and forth between just right-of-center and the far right wing is beginning to drag down southern republican candidates that have supported her in the past. Maybe she should try spending a little of her vote buying cash for her baby republican candidates in the south although I am sure she is not bothered in the least by the blood letting.

When it comes to the democratic candidate for the senate seat-Tom Udall, no one in this state enjoys more support from our party which is united to stop the war in Iraq and put the economy back on track in the direction that best serves the American people.

We, the Democratic Party, have a lot of very good local candidates in the U.S. House races and the State Senate races that I think should be spotlighted before Election Day. I am working on interviews with a number of these candidates but they are careful and it takes time for them to get their interviews back to me. I also understand that a few of them are gun shy because of the way republican leaning bloggers have portrayed their image in the past. The candidates can rest assured that I will not speak out against any of them unless they try to drag our party through the mud in order to get media coverage from the republican controlled news outlets in this state or if they show themselves to be so corrupt that no one in this state could support them.