Monday, March 3, 2008

Unconventional Wisdom—Another Democratic US Senator for New Mexico

Senator Jeff Bingaman is one of our party’s most beloved leaders. It is true that a good number of democratic voters vote for him because he is very good at representing our core morals.

After all who would not want a US Senator that stands strong for “The Rule of Law?” Laws that gives us all the rights to a fair and free open trial so that government official can not come to our homes in the middle of the night and take us away never to be seen again by our loving families. The law which protects our rights to freedom of speech and gives rise to sharing of ideas in a free environment is protected by the rule of law.

A Senator, who is a good steward of our environment, even fundamentalist Christians understand that the bible talks about our responsible for caring for our environment so that future generations will be able to enjoy god’s gifts to human kind. This is one issue that both Non-Christians and Christians a like should be able to agree upon completely.

Maybe it is that Senator Bingaman stands for a quality education for all our children in the United States and not just the privileged few whose families were born into the money to afford that type of education. After all why on earth would we here in America want a large well educated work force that could keep our country competitive in a global economy?

Maybe it is because Senator Bingaman voted against a senseless war in Iraq for the very beginning but still refused to leave our troops out in the hot desert without funding because the current administration refuses to bring them home at the request of the American people. Senator Bingaman has never supported the war in Iraq but he will never abandon our young men and women in the field of battle. With Senator Bingaman as our US Senator we will always show our support for the brave men and woman who are sent into battle under the America Flag even if it is a senseless illegal war.

Yes Senator Bingaman has a twenty five year record in our federal government. One Republicans would portray as liberal but we the Democratic Party of New Mexico are very proud of his voting record and that is why he has always received record support from the democratic voting public.

If that is the ground on which The Republican Party wishes to stand during the 2008 elections cycle than we are ready and we welcome the fight for another US Senate Seat. We will all, in the Democratic Party, welcome with great joy Congressman Tom Udall as our next US Senator and our newest agent of change. Make no mistake about it we will not loss this fight.