This chart shows what the inflation percentage was as of March 25, 2008. I don’t know about anyone else out there but it is not looking like this is going to get any better in the near future. When is it going to become crystal clear to Administration that when you live paycheck to paycheck that a 1% or 1.5% decrease in your ability to pay your bills will aversely affect how you live and how you feel toward the college you work for when it comes to employee happiness ratings? They have to see that at some point this will also affect the quality of the people working at their college. Part of valuing students is to value the people who work with them on an everyday of the week bases. Put your money where you mouth is if you value students than value the people who work with them. Valuing employees is not going to start at some other college. It has to start at your college or it will not start anywhere. Saying that no one values educational employees is not an excuse for your college to devalue them in anyway. Saying that you are the top of the garbage heap is nothing to brag about either. Until our local college starts to value employees they have no hope of ever bringing up the success numbers for students. When your product is education then educators and instructional support staff become value added positions for your product.