Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Debate about the debate

The National News Media always wants to make it about image for the candidates. They go on and on about issues of clothing, jewelry and hair style. They ask are you likable? How well can you speak in public? What are your good and bad habits and who do you spend your time with in private? Do you love your family and are you faithful to them? The public on the surface in general appears to care about these things. They judge a future president by the company they keep. They judge candidates not on issues but on values. Things like do you go to church and do you have a lovely wife or husband. How well do you get along with people? Last nights debate was nothing more then a true example of all of those things added together into one two hour program. Candidates were not asks detailed questions on their stand on issues. They were asking if they thought if the other could win. The media wanted to know how candidates react to being put on the spot about the truth in their own statements. They wanted to know about people the candidates had spent time with in the past. The issues were can you speak to people without making statements that can be misconstrued by your opponents? They wanted to know if their attuned could come out sounding positive under pressure.

We have a president who trips over his own tongue all of the time. I wonder why no one respects his views on issues around the world. President Bush is unwilling to admit to making mistakes ever. He is not tolerant of any view that disagrees with his own view of how things should be dealt with now or ever. Senator John McCain has misspoken on more than one occasion. Senator McCain has a history of using inappropriate language in public when he gets angry. He has a history of becoming aggressive with other people. He has a history of not caring about what the voters think when it comes to issues, both foreign affairs and domestic affairs, which face our nation.

I know that people who spend a lot of time around politics want to hear the candidate’s views on major issues. They want to know how these people plan to fix the problems facing our country down to the smallest detail. Those people can get the details on the candidate’s websites. Senator Clinton repeatedly said so during the debate. We can not begin to criticize the general public for wanting to hear the answers to questions ask in last nights debate because if we don’t get a president who cares about those issues then the major issues won’t matter. A candidate can stand for all the right issues but if they can not work with others then it does not matter because nothing will get done. The public also wants to know that a president will not be spending all of his or her time dealing with one scandal after another if elected. They need to know that a candidate can speak and work with other governments around the world without having their views misconstrued. They want to know that the candidate cares about what the general public thinks about them so that they will be willing to respond to the voter’s views on major issues. The public knows that our candidates support the issues that our party cares about. It has been report over and over that their views are very close. Now is the time to see which one can put his or her best foot forward and win the general election in November. The media is concentrating on unimportant superficial things because these are the small details that could cost a candidate the election at this point in time. All of the major issues have been covered and will be revisited again in detail before November.