Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy April Fools Day to those Cynical Playmates

Gee-whiz, why is everyone so cynical when it comes to fun and games on April 1 these days? One just wants to have fun and play one or two jokes in the process. We need to take every opportunity we can get to lighten up the tone a little now days. After August the tone will be very serious and somber because the Democratic Party will be looking to take back the White House.

Speaking about tone as you can see the republican representatives got an ear full over the Easter Day weekend about the bailout of the Bear Stearns Investment Bank while they disregarded and downright ignored homeowners who were losing their homes. Senate leader Harry Reid had to convince people that the bipartisan bill was not an April Fools day joke. It may still turnout to be just that if the Bush Administration does not take the issues seriously enough when the bill gets to the current president’s desk. The voting public is going to have to keep the pressure on their republican representatives when it comes to this issue. President Bush may try to force a veto override on this bill. Leave it to the Bush Administration to side with big business while stealing from the middle class and our future generations to pay for it. The cost of the bailout for Bear Stearns Investment Bank is being financed by taxpayer’s dollars and Treasury bills which will be payback by our future generation’s tax dollars.