Monday, April 28, 2008

Healthcare in America

Over the past eight years we have saw what market medical care has cost this country. The rise in health care cost has been in the double digits and more people have been unable to use the health care that they do have because of deductibles. Senator John McCain offers us nothing more than the same. The price of health care will continue to rise until no one but the richest in this country can afford to use their health care coverage. Some cost in life must be controlled for the benefit of common society. Food, fuel, water, air, and health care are among those items. Without government control of cost people will die from lack of healthcare. People are already dying because they wait far to long to see a doctor in this country. The insurance companies weight the cost of law suits against the cost of treatment.

Men like Senator John McCain are out of touch when it comes to middle class American families' needs for affordable health care. At present 47 million Americans can not afford health care and more can not afford to use the health care they have at present. If we want to live long lives in this country then we need universal health care for all Americans. Other countries already have universal health care and it has not destroyed their countries. Senator John McCain is not offering universal health care. All he has to offer is a Band-Aid that will end up killing more Americans. I simple can not understand why our government refuses to see when a course of action does not work and actually harms Americans in the process. What will it take to open the eyes of men like Senator John McCain? Middle Class American Women in this country need to know that when their children get sick that they can afford to take them to a doctor for treatment without fear of the cost breaking the family bank account.