When Benny Shendo Jr. says he is running for Congress in CD3 he means it. This should be a good opportunity for voters to meet the candidate. For day three through seven call 1-505-660-2871 or e-mail: TODD@BENNYSHENDOJR.COM
Day 2- 04.13.08, Sunday—Depart:7:00 am Cuba-Cuban Café—Torreon 8:00 am—Star Lake 8:30 am—Pueblo Pintato 9:00 am—White Horse Chapter House 10:00 am—Crownpoint 11:30 am Rally—Smith Late 1:00 pm—Thoreau Chapter House 1:45 pm—Mariano Lake 3:00 pm—Pine Dale Chapter House 4:00 pm—church Rock 5:15 pm—Gallup Ellis Tanner Trading Rally 6:30 pm.
So put on your running shoes and go meet the candidate.