Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
Ward 19 A & B and Ward 18A
Voter Registration Drive
Location: Plaza next to the Student Service Center
Main Campus: Plaza at 900 University Blvd and
Baseheart Rd. SE
Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Ward 19 A & B and Ward 18A
Voter Registration Drive
Location: Plaza next to the Student Service Center
Main Campus: Plaza at 900 University Blvd and
Baseheart Rd. SE
Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Dates: April 14 & 15, 2008
The Democratic Party is encouraging college students to register to vote for the June 3 primary election. We will have a table on the plaza just outside the Student Service Center at Central New Mexico Community College on April 14 and 15. All unregistered individuals are encouraged to drop by the table. This event will be bipartisan and all registration forms will be turned into the Bernalillo County Clerk’s office