Friday, April 4, 2008

Ted Turner interviewed on the Charlie Rose show

Ted Turner, founder and chairman of the United Nations Foundation, was on the Charlie Rose television show (PBS) day before yesterday at lunch time. Mr. Turner has a large ranch here in New Mexico. He said that it is a large amount of desert land (one million acres of land in New Mexico). Mr. Turner is funny and a little strange (Always suffered from foot in the mouth disease.) but he is very interesting to listen to in this interview. Mr. Turner has a number of interesting views on how to fix the planet. This is what he believes that our new president should know when he or she takes office. First is rid the world of nuclear weapons. Second is global climate change. We should strongly encourage everyone in the world to convert to renewable energy. He would love to see us reduce the population which would lower the stress on the planet and its resources. No more than one or two children per family. War does not make since anymore. He does not approve of the wall along the southern border of our state. Tear down the wall. Why are we not questioning the building of the Wall in the first place? I have to admit that I agree with Charlie Rose that Mr. Turner is a remarkable man. I had never heard him talk before but was surprisingly pleased with what he had to say. Who knew that someone that rich could also be that progressive sounding? I feel that this is an entertaining, interesting and thought provoking interview which should be watched.