Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Senator Jeff Bingaman’s endorsement of Senator Obama

On Monday Senator Jeff Bingaman decided to endorse Senator Obama for Democratic Nominee as U.S. President. Republican attack alligators did what they always do and attacked our soon to be senior senator as being far too liberal. What they refuse to accept is that our senator was elected by 70% results in his last election. Senator Bingaman is well respected both in Washington and in his home state of New Mexico as a man of keen perception, character and honesty. He has provided a solid example of were our party stands on issues that matter to New Mexicans. He was one of the few people who voted against the war in Iraq from the very start and yet he has always strongly supported our troops in the field. I know that with his endorsement that I am finding it far more difficult to keep supporting Senator Clinton as I am sure other are today. I firmly hope more Superdelegates make the choice to endorse before June 3 so that the public can see where they stand. Their reasoning at this point in time could be seen as wise or sage advice from party senior leaders and be of great help in assisting undecided voters make their final choice.

Word of Senator Jeff Bingaman

Senator Bingaman said, "Today, I am announcing my support for Barack Obama for president and declaring my intention to vote for him at the Democratic convention.

"Our nation faces a daunting number of critical challenges: reasserting America's leadership in the world, meeting our needs for energy independence, addressing global warming, making healthcare accessible and affordable, positioning our economy to effectively compete globally, and extricating ourselves from the war in Iraq, to name a few.

"To make progress, we must rise above the partisanship and the issues that divide us to find common ground. We must move the country in a dramatically new direction.

"I strongly believe Barack Obama is best positioned to lead the nation in that new direction."