Sunday, September 2, 2012

This Seat is Taken

This seat is taken by a young women who has just finished college. She is looking for a president who will protect her constitutional right to family planning by appointing a supreme court justice, who understands that without affordable accessible birth control she will not be able to ensure her families economic security.

This seat is taken by a college graduate woman who is now looking for a job. She is looking for a president who will grow our economy with new jobs. She wants affordable healthcare that will allow her to stay healthy and productive thus allow her to move up the career ladder.

This seat is taken by a middle aged, middle class woman who owns her own small business. Yes, a business she built with her own blood, sweat, and tears. She is looking for a president that will lower her taxes, simplify government paperwork, and provide low cost loans to help her grow her company. The company which ensures that her family and her community has safe homes and a secure economic future. This woman is a community leader not looking for a hand-out but a hand-up by the government.

This seat is taken by the single mother who wants a good education for her child. She is looking for a president who can make sure her child’s teachers are not teaching to some exam but training her child in critical thinking skills. She knows that teachers who are distracted by the threat of economic insecurity make poor educators. She does not want to hear about educational administrator who get six figure salaries while her child’s teachers are pleading for classroom supplies.

This seat is taken by a middle class women who has just reached the level of management. She is looking for a president who will ensure that college is affordable to her children without weighing them down with major student loan debt. She is looking for a president that will protect her parents social security so that she will not be forced to support her parents in what should be their golden years.

This seat is taken by a middle class women who has reached management level in her career. She is looking for a president who will ensure that her pay is the same as the man who holds the office next door. She wants a president that will ensure her social security is still there when she retires in just a few short years.

This seat is taken by a middle class women who has just retired. She wants a president who will protect her retirement and her healthcare. She wants to be able to watch her grandchildren grow up without being force out of retirement just to make ends met. She wants a president who will hold corporations accountable for their decisions that affect stock prices and retirement pensions.

The women in these seats will be watching carefully next Tuesday to see how the Democratic Party plans on moving our country forward. The last thing these women want is to hear how the Republican Party will move our country backward. We have already heard about their failed policies and backward thinking.

We are not looking for another empty chair but one that will be filled with a individual who provides promise for our futures. We want a president with a vision of how to move our country forward into a more productive future.