Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afghanistan—Serious Business

It has been eight years since our war heroes have been at peace and we have seen the toll it has taken on them and their families so adding more troops to Afghanistan is not something that most Americans want to see.

We want to see our troops at home in their jobs and in our college classrooms. We want to wake up knowing that they are safe in their own beds with their families around them in peace. We know that they are willing to give their lives and limbs for this country and for that we honor them.

Money is not the main issue when it comes to deciding where or not to add more troops to this war or for how long they should stay. The president must look at the safety of the American people and the American troops. Open ended wars would do no good for Afghanistan or for America because we don’t want to be nation builders. We are not willing to take another country’s natural resources and assets in order to make a conflict profitable for us in the long run.

The Arab countries do themselves and us a huge disservice by not dealing with their own internal issues that have caused this problem in the first place. Osama Bin Laden is not a leader of a country or a spiritual leader for that matter. He is a CIA trained trouble maker who knows far less than most Arabs about his own country or culture. He is more like an American then an Arab.

He is the only reason that the Americans have a presents in that part of the world and if the leaders of the Arab countries dealt with him then the Americans would have no reason to have a presents in that region of the world. You almost wonder if past presidents did not have him trained as an excuse to invade the Arab countries since he has caused two wars and is working on a third. Maybe Arab leaders with all of their objections truly want America to build their poor nations while riding them of trouble leaders and are using him as a tool for those ends.

President Obama is being forced to action and is trying his level best to find a way out of this conflict in a speedy way without harming the safety of Americans. It was a war he was handed not one of his choosing. It was a war that should have been dealt with eight years ago except for the fact that President Bush had old issues to settle with the Iraq republic.

The ground war is becoming harder and more dangerous in Afghanistan as of late so something must be done to put an end to this conflict and give control of this country back to its Arab leaders and their people. I don’t personally wish to see this conflict drag on but I also don’t see a more practical end for it then to support our president at present but I cannot and will not support delaying an end if he is given this 18 months so there will be no support for revisiting this issue at the end of 18 months. It is now his war and he had better get it done.