Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bush Administration set to attack Women’s Rights

When will George W. Bush (Bust) get it through that old white haired thick head of his that women’s bodies are their own and that he does not have the right to create federal rules to change that fact? The Bush Administration is ready to release a new policy that would prevent government funded health care from refusing to hire people based on their views of birth control. Now I am one of those few women that because of a history with blood clots cannot take any form of birth control but I even think this is carrying it way too far. We don’t need the federal government in the exam room with our nurses and doctors thank you President Bush. We don’t need any more teenage pregnancies in this state. More than 200,000 people and more than 150 members of Congress have already called for the Bush administration to withdraw this insane federal rule. President Elect Obama will reverse it when he take office so what is the point. We want to create federal rules that will help drop the rate of abortion not increase them. Does President Bush secretly want to increase the number of abortions in this country? Maybe he approves of abortion and just has not told anyone the truth over the past eight years. Maybe he is just trying to get a grandchild sometime in the near future. We don’t care. Just stop with the insane federal rules already will you.