We managed with the help of President Elect Obama, Senator Elect Tom Udall and Congressman Elect Martin Heinrich to turn out a lot of young people this year. They saw that the Democratic Party will welcome their energy and their commit to our causes. It has never been about the past but always about our children and their future when it comes to doing the right thing for this country. We want an educational system that will provide a good affordable education for students of all ages. We want health care so that our young people will live long and healthy lives. We want peace so no young person should be faced with the kill or be killed decision. We want clean green energy and to protect our environment so that there is a planet for the future generations. Government should never be about the past but we can still learn not to make mistakes by examining the past. For women and mothers nothing can be more important then the future of our children whether they be one or twenty one.
Young people have a great deal that they can do for themselves by helping the party that wants to provide an equal opportunity for all individuals to get an education. They should also help to educate younger people in the important of good government. It will not be long at all before these individuals are the ones running our party. Just look at people like Brian Colon who is our state party chairman. It was not that far in the past that they were naming him one of our up and coming young people in the party. Visit the party headquarters and you will see people like Buck Glanz, volunteer coordinator, who works hard and surely will be a leader in our party in the future. For now he is working hard to organize our party and provide a friendly face to represent our state party. The local Democratic Party has always held our arms wide open in welcome of young people who have a passion for good government. We want all of the volunteers who helped out in this years campaigns to now look at becoming active members of both the Democratic Party of New Mexico and the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County but do be careful because I am sure both groups want you. Just remember education comes first no matter how needed or wanted you are made to feel by our party.