Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Day off with the Kid

Yesterday I took the day off from working to spend the time on a movie set because my daughter was an extra for the movie. Yes, she will get paid for eight hours of work and her face will be one of many in the background of the next Jackie Chen movie.

I spent the day in the gym reading a book while she worked on and off during the day. She also spent three hours working on her homework for school. I know that it is important to have a parent in ear shot of any filming being done with a child under the age of 15 but I could not image doing this on regular bases. It is one of the activities that I would list as the most boring in the world. How would you like to have to go watch someone work all day long? If there is a next time I will bring my laptop so that I can be on the web.

My daughter has decided despite all of my trying to talk her out of it to be an actress. Now Jackie Chen movies do not rate as great works but the kids love to watch them and they do make money at the box office so for that reason any work is better then no work as long as it is clean and rated less then an “R.” The good thing is that my daughter is working both sides of the camera and knows that it is not all red carpet and Hollywood glamour. For her it is a job just like the ones the rest of us do everyday. She wants to be good at her job so she works hard and tries to be agreeable to the people around her.

If she works hard and has a little luck in the future maybe she will develop some say so as to the type of films she wants to act in. As a child she thinks that I am too hard on movies that have no real plot or character development but as she grows older I am sure her views will change on the matter.

For the most part I did not have anything related to politics going on but the book that I was reading. I had been invited to a early vote rally at the Obama headquarters but my daughter did not get off work until well after the event was over and done with and everyone had hopefully gone off to vote at the nearest early voting poll. After work my daughter dressed up as Carry White and went with her friends to visit the neighborhood for the yearly candy. As I said for her acting is just a career where she likes what she is doing. Somehow I get the feeling that her film teacher was about as thrill with the movie experience as I was in sitting around all day. Maybe he can use it to define to the students what is the different between good movie making and popular movie making. I hope everyone goes to see “The Spy Next Door” for the pure fun and enjoyment of just watching a movie that has little to do with great meaningful cinema.

P.S. I know that most of the voting public is getting sick of the political thing but in a few days it will have all paid off if we have a new president that cares about our country and the middle class so with that in mind.

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