Saturday, November 8, 2008

What Next for the New Elected Official of the Democratic Party

The weekend starts with many people beginning to get back to normal after two years of hard work to elected people who can bring change to this country. The candidates are thanking their supporters and planning for their staff needs.

My suggestion to those candidates is to make sure and build a strong constituent service wing to their organization. While Senator elect Tom Udall has always had a strong support group for constituent services the three new Congressmen elect are new to this part of government. They need to get contact information out to the voters quickly so that if people want to make comments, express their views on legislation, ask questions, or need help they know were to turn and how to ask for help.

For the congressional group it is also important to keep the lines of communication open with the local media since the turn around for reelection is only two years for them and they will need support more then even come 2010. Our new congressmen will have the backing of senior congressmen this year because the party will want to hold on to all of the achievements made this year. Our new congressmen will most likely be bringing home some good benefits for New Mexicans that they will want to promote to the voters. Republican controlled media will be playing down any achievements in the hopes of promoting their own party in 2010.

The one advantage that these new members has is a strong open media in the local bloggers who have worked hard over the last few years to get the message out to the voting public. I would suggest that all three new members to the congress sit down with local bloggers to build contact lines so that they can be clear lines of communication. Senator Jeff Bingaman meets with local radio members on the phone every few weeks to answer questions and promote his views on current legislation. I have always found this helpful but must admit that I would love to see him reach out to local bloggers as well.

I would personally like to invite each and ever elected officials to set up a forum for bloggers to met with local members of the blogging community on regular bases to answer question and promote legislation so that the local voters have more knowledge of what is going on in Washington.

These types of communication can only increase the approval rating of both the Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives in this state. Open government can only result in good government in my view.