Friday, November 14, 2008

Suffering from Election Withdrawal

Here are some tips on what to do with all of that free time you were spending getting out the vote for the general election:
  1. The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County has a meeting at the UNM Law School every third Thursday. Their next meeting is scheduled for 6:00 pm November 20. What better way to stay engaged then to become active in your local party activities?
  2. School Board Elections are taking place in February of 2009 and candidates will be looking for supporters who want to help get out the vote. Central New Mexico Community College Board elections will also be on the ballot. What better way to learn more about your college then to become engaged in an election that will decide who runs your college. One of the college seats is even held by a long standing republican.
  3. The Democratic Party of New Mexico is always looking for a few good volunteers to help out at the office on San Pedro near Lomas. Now is the time to become active and help organize the party office. Young people will be off for the Christmas break soon and can help a lot at the party office.

Now is the time to build the support structure for future elections in our state. If we don’t then the Republican Party will be more than happy to take back our state in 2010.