Sunday, November 2, 2008

Polls Say Democrats are Leading in all the Races

This morning the republicans were all admitting defeat of the Republican Party and its candidates on Tuesday. They could not understand why or how they are losing in the Polls. The Republican Party and it large group of old white haired men can not see past their own self interest to understand why the American people want change for the middle class and the economically distressed.

The democrats on the other hand are feeling the fear that some voters may not be moved to stand in long lines if they think that we are winning the races. Too many times we have watched as the election was taken away at the last minute by a very small margin of votes that in most cases was less then a thousand. The fear is real that it could happen once more this year if we don’t work hard to get out every single voter for our candidates. The Democratic Party will not make the mistake of being too over confident at this point in time. We truly understand that it is all up to the voting public and that nothing is over until the last vote is counted.

With only two more days left until the election on November 4 party members are walking every neighborhood and talking with everyone to ensure that if they have not voted that they get out on Election Day to do just that for the candidates. If you are an Obama supporter call the local office on Election Day and maybe they can find another supporter to drive you to the polls if you can not get yourself to a polling place. If you have voted then volunteer to help a friend to get to the polls to cast their vote on Election Day because nothing could be more important then getting out the democratic vote. If you feel that you will have problems in long lines then take a chair, a good book and some water to make it easier on yourself. No one every said that you had to stand in line to vote if the line is too long so try sitting in line. This could turn out to be the great American sit in of the two thousands.

Vote Tuesday

Vote Hope Not Fear

Vote Democratic New Mexico