Saturday, August 22, 2009

Martin Heinrich’s Healthcare Town Hall

The topic of healthcare brings out a great deal of fear and anger in the voting public because of Republicans attempts to put a stop to it every since 1992. The amount of false information out in the public makes anyone fear the change but change will happen this year. As I write this blog the commercial spreading false information is playing right now yet Congressman Heinrich handled his town hall with a skill that up until now no other elected representative has managed. He made it clear that this country cannot afford to do nothing and he totally supports a public option and was not willing to back down because of the republicans who tried to pack the hall.

He had a panel that represented both sides of the issue and showed a complete knowledge of what was in the bill before the U.S. House of Representatives. Clearly Congressman Heinrich has done his homework and understands the issue before him. The town hall was so that he could go back to Washington with knowledge of what his voters are feeling and a better understanding of how best to represent them. He told the voters that he stood up and told his party leaders that he wanted feedback and time to educate voters before he had to case a vote on the Healthcare Reform Bill.

What follows are some of the clips from his town hall meeting.

For more check my youtube channel.

Turnout for the town hall meeting was more then could be fit in the room and the overflow room. I was hearing over a thousand people. Even with ground rules some of the protesters who showed a good lack of knowledge still demanded to voice their lack of knowledge.

The only real question was raised by a young man from West Virginia who is serving his country and stationed at Sandia Air force Base. West Virginians have a long history of serving their country. Both my brothers have done just that because it is the honorable thing to do. Congressman Heinrich thanked the young man for his service and pointed out that he would make sure that he received his federal funded healthcare veteran’s benefits because that was the right and honorable thing for our country to do when it comes to our service men and women.