Monday, August 3, 2009

The Perfect Pair (Denish and Colón)

The Democratic Party is very lucky in our state because we have a large number of high-quality candidates at all levels and the Republican Party simply does not hold a candle to ours. Many good individuals have entered the race for lieutenant governor but none can begin to bring the party together as Brian Colón.

Brian Colón is a native Hispanic of Albuquerque with strong family ties. When he speaks about his parents he can bring tears to any voter’s eyes. Clearly he has a love and respect of family and ironclad ties to his local community. Brian Colón has traveled our state since being elected to party chairman of the Democratic Party in 2007 encouraging people to take part in their government. In just a few short years he has managed to get the voting public to once again care about what happens in our state. He has help elected a completely democratic list for our federal representatives and has managed to find more local democratic leaders then any past party chairman. He truly inspires people to care about what happens in our state.

He is a kind hearted and caring individual who does not put himself above anyone in the party and will make one of the best lieutenant governors this state has even seen. He has worked tirelessly to encourage cultural diversity within the state’s Democratic Party. While he will be a hard act to follow as party chairman he is much needed in Santa Fe because of difficult economic times that our state is facing in the next few years. His wife is an educator and this gives Brian Colón a true insight into the need for better treatment when it comes to our educational system which will be but one of the difficult issues facing anyone who takes the position of lieutenant governor. I personally look forward to seeing my friend Chairman Brian Colón announce the launch of a campaign for lieutenant governor.