Wednesday, May 7, 2008

June 3rd Means Vote Early and the Time is Near for the Democratic Party to Unite as One

Sherwood Forest is sadly and tragically in ashes and will need lots of support from the federal government to rebuild homes and revitalize the forest in that area. Governor Richardson is out of the state a lot lately crusading for the benefit of New Mexicans while hardcore politicians at home plot against him and the candidates he supports. The republican sheriff is working hard to gain more control and power while he takes from the poor to give to the rich and mistreats the middle class in the process. He is inviting hardcore conservative republican men into our city to plot their future attack ads and raise obscene amounts of money. Is it any wonder why more democrats are coming out of the woodwork to vote in elections this year?

The people are looking for an honorable candidate to save the day. A leader that will not fear to stand up to the republicans in Washington; they need someone to look after their interest. Someone who will help provided for the poor and make life easier for the middle class. Someone that is willing to help protect our environment for our children and support the creation of renewable energy sources. Someone that will help put a stop to the war in Iraq while still supporting and respecting the troops in the field. Someone who will work hard to do away with the failed policy of “No Child Left Behind.” Someone that is willing to work hard to increase the pay of educational employees while still increasing the value and quality of our children’s public educational system. Someone who understands the value of math and science education for our children’s future and is willing to work had to increase funding for these programs. Someone that is willing to strongly support universal affordable health care for all Americans.

We need to put more democrats in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. We need a Democratic President. Now is the time to get out and vote early for democratic candidates in our state. State Party Chairman Brian Colon along with all of the party leaders will be reaching out to every democrat in the state in the near future to bring us together as one great party. We can not afford four more years of Bush/McCain. No matter which candidate we now support for President we must not forget the values and beliefs that make us all democrats.