Saturday, May 3, 2008

State Party Chairman Brian Colon’s Comments on Today’s Announcement

Interview with Democratic Party of New Mexico’s Party Chairman Brian Colon

Brian Colon is a strong leader of our party here in New Mexico and has been doing a great job for the state over the last year. Never more then now do we need his sage advice and support. The party has been pulled in two different directions by two great candidates for president of the United States. Today at noon Chairman Colon announced that he would vote for Senator Barack Obama for our nominee. I was the only blogger here in New Mexico to get a personal interview with Chairman Colon and I am truly a solid support of his dedication and hard work for our Party. I do however personally think that he should get a better internet provider. Maybe the party should spring for the expense.


Questions on the add-on Ad hock Superdelegate

What were you reasons in the choice of a Native American and or a female for the last superdelegate nominee for our state? Why not an African American or a Middle Aged White Female?

Native Americans have been neglected far too long by the political system. I look forward to the day when Native Americans are over-represented in our Party.

Did you consider nominating two individuals one that you knew would support each candidate and why did you not go that route?

I considered all options and ultimately decided that the position was for an uncommitted individual and that controlled my decision.

At anytime in the process did you allow you own personal views or anyone else’s views to influence who you nominated as the final superdelegate candidates?

No, the spot was for an unpledged delegate so I thought it was important to nominate an unpledged delegate.

Were you pressured by anyone in the party about who to endorse for the position of superdelegate candidate nominees?

I was lobbied and encouraged to do a number of things but I never felt pressured.

Do you feel that you followed the Party’s rules?


As Democratic Party Chairman of New Mexico how has the last year been when dealing with us wonderful democrats? Would you make the same decision and become party chairman if you had it to do all over again?

I love it; it has been a great year to be chairman. With the Presidential race, Congressman Tom Udall as the sole democratic candidate who is sure to take a senate seat and we have three open congressional seats that are looking more blue everyday. We have energized the Party and we will have success in November. New Mexico will be a blue state in 08.

If given a do over card for any one event what would you use it for or would you save it for the future?

The most important things that will happen this year is electing a democratic president for our country, New Mexico, electing Tom Udall to the Senate and winning all three congressional seats. So I think I’ll hold onto any do over cards.

Questions about your decision on who to endorse for our presidential nominee

Since you are a superdelegate have you decided which candidate to support as our presidential nominee and what was your reasoning on your choice?

Senator Barack Obama equals real Change for the United States and another factor was the increased negative tone of the campaign.

What made you decide to make your own choice at this point in time?

Delegate Selection was over and I thought it was time. The Super delegates should decide before the convention and hopefully they’ll all decide after the primaries are over in June.

What influenced did Chairman Howard Dean have when it came to your timing of making a decision?


Who was the first person you told about your decision and why did you choose that person?

My bride, Aleli, was the first person to know my final decision. She is my best friend, counselor and confidant. (Brian is a devoted husband and father)