Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Meat Grinder Republican Attack Machine takes aim at Congressman Tom Udall

The Republican Party has spent the last few days trying to no avail to attack our beloved democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate. Congressman Tom Udall is a man who strongly believes in the core values of our party. He has stood strong for our values in the U.S. House of Representatives. Now Steve Pearce would attack our party and the man who represents not only our core values but the low income and middle class workers in this state by calling him a liberal. Steve Pearce who takes money from big oil companies and then votes against interest of everyday New Mexicans has no high ground to stand on in this state. When elected and yes Tom Udall will be elected he will bring home funding for education, for children’s health care, and for new renewable energy resources. Tom Udall will bring home renewable energy resources dollars which will provide future jobs for our state and provide energy independents for our country. Steve Pearce is nothing more then a pawn of the Republican Party meat grinder which has brought our country war in Iraq and recession in the United States. He has sided with oil companies which now charge hard working New Mexicans $3.62 per gallon fuel prices. Steve Pearce is only a part of our sad past and Congressman Tom Udall is our bright future. We should all demand that Steve Pearce stop the ugly attack ads against our candidate. If that fails and we all know that the republicans have a hard time not attacking each other as well as us then we should all go to Tom Udall’s website and donate so Congressman Udall can fight these attacks with positive forward thinking ads of his own.